Praia do Guajiru is located 150 km northwest of Fortaleza and 12 km east of Trairi. Praia do Guajiru has recently been added, along with Flecheiras to the tourist route of Ceara and will soon grow in popularity, but for now it still remains a hidden gem away from the crowds! Coordinates: 3°13'19"S   39°15'50"W

Holidays in Praia do Guajiru

"Festa da Padroeira [Patron Saint's Party] (December 31)

"Vaquejada da Batalha ["Ox Fun Days"] (November 25)

"Vaquejada de Trairi (September)

"Festa do Coco [Coconut Party] (December)

"The City Day (November 22)

"Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes The day of the patron saint of the district Guagiru, Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes, with 9-day novena and celebrations(August 15)

"Coroacao de Nossa Senhora [Crowning of Our Lady] (May)

"Festa do Caju [Cashew Party] (October).

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